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How does it work?




Our lie detector tests are performed using patented technology. For example, you can opt for a lie detector test with a Polygraph. The person is connected to a device and we measure the heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and respiration.

The polygraphic test is a test based on the principle that an emotionally charged stimulus elicits a response from the autonomic nervous system. When someone lies, this can be accompanied by an emotion, which in turn evokes an autonomous physiological activity. For example, the emotion may be the result of a feeling of fear being exposed. The physiological activity can be evidenced by the galvanic skin response (also called Galvanic Skin Response). This is the result of a short-term activity of the sweat glands. Other physiological reactions can also occur, such as an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and respiratory rate.





We also have a lie detector test available that is performed via our LVA-method.

The technology we use was originally invented in 1997 in Israel and has since been developed in collaboration with experts from various fields such as psychology, criminology, phonetics, psychiatry, and mathematics.

The technology is based on a patented set of vocal parameters that have been researched and associated with key human emotions to identify deception and untruths.

The technology uses a mathematical process to detect and classify various types of patterns and anomalies in the flow of speech in terms of stress, arousal, confusion, and other relevant emotional states, which 19 years of research have found to be highly correlated with lies.


Would you like to have a test performed? Then read the steps below. 


Telephone intake


After leaving your details, you will be contacted within 24 hours to discuss your situation and to determine whether the test is suitable and can offer a solution.  lie detection test is more appropriate in your situation. 

Drafting & coding questions


Depending on the situation, we will prepare tailor-made questions and code them in the software and prepare the test. If necessary, part of the test must be paid in advance here. 

Execution test


The test is then taken at our office in Amsterdam Center or at your home. Usually the test takes 45-60 minutes but can take longer or shorter depending on the questions.  

Release report


Immediately after the test, the results are announced and within 48 hours the person who paid for the test will receive the report via email. The report summarizes the information provided and whether there are indications that the truth has not been spoken. 



After completion of the whole, we are available at all times for questions. We can also link you with one of our partner companies for specialist assistance. Think of relationship mediation or other psychological help.  

Stap 1: Consultatie en Informatie

Neem contact met ons op via telefoon of e-mail om een consultatiegesprek te regelen.
Tijdens het gesprek zullen we je uitleggen hoe de leugendetectietest werkt, welke soorten vragen worden gesteld en wat je kunt verwachten.

Stap 2: Aanpassing van de Test

We passen de leugendetectietest aan op basis van de specifieke situatie en vragen die je wilt behandelen.
Dit zorgt ervoor dat de test nauwkeurig en relevant is voor jouw behoeften.

Stap 3: De Testsessie

Op de afgesproken datum en locatie voeren we de leugendetectietest uit.
Je wordt begeleid door een ervaren professional die je door het proces zal leiden en eventuele vragen zal beantwoorden

Stap 4: Resultaten en Nabespreking

Binnen een afgesproken periode ontvang je de resultaten van de leugendetectietest.
We plannen een nabespreking in om de resultaten te bespreken, eventuele vragen te beantwoorden en verdere stappen te bespreken, indien nodig.
Dit stappenplan helpt onze klanten om een duidelijk beeld te krijgen van hoe het proces van een leugendetectietest verloopt en wat ze kunnen verwachten op elke fase.

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